Rule Book

2-4 Players
10+ Years Old
15 Minutes

Game Overview

You are a forest conservationist, protecting Malaysia Rainforest. Each turn, you’ll play one species from your hand into the rainforest, and manage the food web in the rainforest. The species may earn victory points from other nearby species, while fulfilling the scoring condition of other species, hence forming a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. The forest conservationist with the most points wins the game!

Component and Concepts

40 species cards.
Species cards from your hand are played into the rainforest. There are 6 types of species, including

Plants(14 cards),
Arthropod Animals
(7 cards),
Small Animals(7 cards),
Medium Animals
(6 cards),
Large Animals
(2 cards), and
Carnivore Animals
(4 cards). 

The scoring conditions of species are based on their diet habits. For example: Small animals consume plants or/and arthropod animals.



8 target cards.
The target cards represent different rainforests in Malaysia. They only used in Advanced Variants. For the First Level Advanced Variant, you need to match the placement pattern to score the extra points of that particular target card. For the Second Level Advanced Variant, beside matching the placement pattern, specific species will score extra 3 points.


Promo target card.
A special target card (used for Advanced Variant) made to acknowledge the contribution and effort done by Malaysia Nature Society NS-Malacca Branch! Thanks for making this project successful!


Basic Setup

(For a 2-player game, first randomly remove 10 (TEN) plant or arthropod animal cards5 small or medium animal cards, 3 large animal or carnivore cards.)

Shuffle the species cards, then deal TEN species cards to each player. These are each player’s hand.

Game Play

Players take their turn at the same time. Every turn, you 

  1. Pick a card from your hand
  2. Reveal it with other players, and play in an open space in your rainforest. (Every player is managing their own rainforest, so players play their cards in front of themselves. Starting from the second turn, you must place the card so that it is adjacent to the card(s) already in your rainforest. There is no limit of column and row in the rainforest.)
  3. Pass your hand’s cards to the next player. (At the same time, you get cards from previous player)
  4. Repeat step 1-3, until you play 9 cards in your rainforest. (The last hand’s card is removed, not playing into the rainforest nor passing to the next player.)


The scoring conditions are stated at top left of species cards (below the species’ type symbol). Every card may gain victory points based on their scoring conditions.

Scoring Conditions


 = N points for every (set) ADJACENT X species

All The Scoring Conditions:
 = +5 points for every adjacent Small Animal or Medium Animal
 = + 7 points for every adjacent Small Animal
 = -3 points for every adjacent Large Animal or Carnivore Animal
 = +15 points for every 3 adjacent Plants
 = -3 points for every adjacent Carnivore Animal
 = +6 points for every 2 adjacent Plants
 = +10 points for every 2 adjacent Arthropod Animals
 = +8 points for every 2 adjacent Plants
 = +2 points for every adjacent Plant
 = +4 points for every adjacent Arthropod Animal
 = +3 points for every adjacent Plant
 = +3 points

Scoring Example

(From Left to Right)
First Column:
Sunda Clouded Leopard: 4 points
(one Adjacent Small Animal = +7 points;
one Adjacent Carnivore Animal = -3 points.)



Second Column:
Malayan Tiger: 12 points
(3 Adjacent Small and Medium Animal =  +15 points (3 X 5 points);
1 Adjacent Carnivore Animal = -3 points.)

Binturung: 4 points
(1 Adjacent Arthropod Animal = +4 points)



Third Column:
Lesser Mouse-Deer: 3 points
(1 Adjacent Plant = +3 points)

Sun Bear: 6 points
(2 Adjacent Plant = +6 points;
1 Adjacent Arthropod Animal = 0 point)

Giant Honey Bee: 3 points
(1 Adjacent Plant = 3 points)



Forth Column:
Mount Brinchang Ginger: 3 points

Merbau Tree: 3 points



Fifth Column:
Malaysia Jungle Nymph: 6 points
(2 Adjacent Plant, +6 points (2 X 3 Points))



Total: 44 points

End Game

The game ends when 9 cards are played in every player’s rainforest. Every player calculates their victory points. The player with the highest score wins. If there is a tie, then the tied players share the victory. Play again!

Advanced Variant

Advanced Variant is played with the Target Cards.

First level:
Follow the basic setup instructions. Then, deal 2 target cards to each player. (For 2-player game, deal 3 target cards to each player.)

Play the game according to the basic rules.

The game ends when a basic game would end. There will be extra victory points if you manage to place the cards according to target. At the end, you can only choose one target card to score.


Total: 47 points
 44 points (species scoring) + 3 points (card placement bonus)

Second level:
Follow the basic setup instructions. Then, deal 2 target cards to each player. (For 2-player game, deal 3 target cards to each player.)

Play the game according to the basic rules.

The game ends when a basic game would end. On top of the card placement target, there will be 3 more victory points if you manage to play the specific species (which is listed on the bottom of the target card) into your rain forest. At the end, you can only choose one target card to score.


Total: 50 points
44 points (species scoring) + 3 points (card placement bonus) + 3 points (specific species bonus)

Promo Target card:
Only used in Advanced Variant. Malaysia Nature Society Card do not have any card placement target, instead, you have to play different IUCN red list categories species to score: 

Different IUCN Red List Categories Played – Victory Points:
3 different categories played – 2 Victory Points
different categories played – 4 Victory Points
different categories played – 7 Victory Points
6 and above different categories played – 11 Victory Points

Promo Target Card
IUCN Red List Categories are listed on the bottom of species cards